Missing in action …

It was only when I was notified that I had new followers here that I realised – yet again – how completely useless I am at this whole website/blog business. Weeks and months pass, and I have great intentions of giving it more attention, then I tumble down the rabbit hole of writing/Tweeting/despairing of getting on top of it all.

With the entire Haunting of Hattie Hastings trilogy now complete and available to my devoted readers (you know who you are!), I’m knuckling down to writing new stuff. Two very different books, although one is progressing faster than the other. I ‘may’ share some short extracts in due course when I feel confident they are ready for human consumption.

In other news – I’m off to Tuscany in September for my first ever Writers’ Week. I learned of it through the lovely Angela Petch, a fellow author who has been a huge support since my early days getting to grip with Facebook groups and Twitter. There will be around ten of us, guided by a tutor, and we’ll spend the mornings working/sharing and learning tips and tricks of the trade. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the lure of the Italian countryside and delicious food and wine helped my decision to sign up … My intention is to keep an on-line diary during the week, and share my experiences here.

As I’m sure I’ve said before, getting reviews for my books has been one of the best elements of being a published author. If you’ll indulge me, I’ll share some favourites here from time to time. The ones that made me gasp and even cry a little. On the flip side, I realised how remiss I’ve been by not posting reviews for books I’ve loved to read. Over the past year I’ve been putting this to rights, and now review everything I read on Amazon and Goodreads. Again, I’ll post the occasional one here and hope they might tempt you to read a new author’s work.

Here’s an adored five-star review for The Haunting of Hattie Hastings Part One –

Favorite Quotes:

Hattie kept one eye firmly closed, and squinted through the other. Why she thought this would change anything she had no idea, but she wasn’t ready for the reality of full-on vision.

A few days after the funeral, they’d returned in a taxi, his mum insisting on carrying his urn in her capacious handbag. Unfortunately, the driver took a speed bump a little too fast and the contents of the urn upturned and mixed with the contents of the aforementioned bag. Thus, Gary’s remains were scooped back into the receptacle along with ancient biscuit crumbs, loose change and a couple of mangled Werther’s Originals.

You just farted! Silent but deadly. Christ, Hats, I might be on the other side but that could fell North Korea. Or serve as their nuclear deterrent.

Jeez, bro. You took your time getting that off your chest! I had you down as a bottom bandit for – ooh! – at least three years.

The last she’d heard – they hadn’t seen each other for more than five years – he’d moved to Switzerland where he was something big in private banking… Cat allowed herself a small grin as she recalled Hattie insisting that a ‘w’ was more appropriate than a ‘b’.

My Review:

The Haunting of Hattie Hastings was a delightful and witty treat. Part 1 was a quick and fun read that has me primed and eager for the rest of the series. I enjoyed the unique storyline, endearing and quirky characters, and Ms. Davis’s amusing and clever humor. I started this series knowing it was a serial of three parts, so I was prepared and braced for the cliffhanger endings. I was warned to ward off a possible… okay, probable tantrum. And, score! I have a new addition to my Brit vocabulary list with doolally, which means Mr. Google told me was “temporarily deranged or feebleminded.” Which is how cliffhangers generally make me feel 😉

2 thoughts on “Missing in action …

  1. jena c. henry

    Good post, Audrey. I’m envious that you are going to Angela’s workshop! I am so glad you will be sharing some of the info .I’m hoping to travel to Tuscany one of these years!


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